DRNPG1502: The Scientific Underpinnings of the Advanced Nursing Profession

DNP Quality Improvement Project Timeline

Dr. Pamela Love

Extra Credit Assignment

When do you, future Dr. Susan Harris, plan to complete your DNP project?

Today is October 27, 2024. I will complete the project by February 27, 2026, the program's last day, possibly a month early.

Quarter one is almost completed, and only a few weeks are left. Then, I have three weeks off from school until the winter quarter begins the first week of December. At this time, the project will start to flourish.

  • Proposal Development: 3 months (previous 2 months and now brings me to the end of 2024).
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: 1-2 months (January/February 2025).
  • Preparation and Project Implementation: 6 months (summer of 2025).
  • Data Collection and Analysis: 3-4 months (September/October/November 2025).
  • Writing the Final Project: 2-3 months (December 2025-January 2026).
  • Oral presentation Preparation: 1-2 months (January/February 2026).
  • Dissemination: 1 month (February 2026).